
Life is an interchangeable word, one that can touch on so many things.
The beginning of it, the ending of it, this mysterious life follows all waking moments, and sleeping ones as well.
People choose their own life, their own destiny in some minds, whereas others see life as set in stone. Who knows though? Is there something else, or is there just a chasm? Will we revel in our life after it is over, or mourn its very existence? There are so many questions as to what life truly is, and the truth is that life is life and no one knows much of anything.
We can spend our whole lives studying our very existence upon this earth, yet never know the true meaning. We can fight death when he calls for us, or we can fall gratefully into his waiting arms. But one question that tumbles around and around in my head is this, when do we truly, if ever, live? There are those that wander through this world with their souls all ready in the other dimension, they walk with the shadow of death following their every step. Then there are those that not only live because of life, but live for it. These are the people who are whole, because with the acceptance of life comes the acceptance of death, and this particular brand of people are very accepting of all aspects.
But still, are we all just puppets following along the path of our own inevitable downfall? Do we all live to die?
And here is the answer…


Poetry- How I Loathe Thee

This shall be a shortened post,

One in which I’d like to host,

An idea of which is not grand,

But rather one many can stand.

Poetry, oh, how I loathe thee.

You who stands strong as a tree.

Unbending in its bendibility.

Puked words of the dictionary,

You lie there on the page,

Making me grow my rage.

I do not understand you, and I never shall,

So dear poetry, from myself, the wisest owl,

Might I suggest, to no end,

That you go bury yourself, my dear friend.

F.Y.I. I hate poetry.

Thoughts Speaking

So, if you do not know me very well, then here is something that you may not know, I hear voices.

Now do not think me insane, at least not for this reason, because I do not do what they tell me to do. The world would be a much more interesting place if I did, unless I would become institutionalized, then the world would, quite possibly, become more boring. Hmmm…. something to think about.


I have a few “common customers” if you will, consisting of The Whiner, The Bully, The Stupid One, and The German One (at least I think that he speaks German, how would I know, I don’t speak German.)

Today a new one came and went very quickly, and I shall call him The Sneaky One, although I think his name should be in Spanish, because, you know, Spanish-speaking people are ninja-like in their very basic being. (El Tramposo Uno. Let’s have a vote, The Sneaky One vs. El Tramposo Uno)

So, I was walking through The Sam’s Club, and I was getting kind of annoyed due to the heavy traffic and the fact that no one (noone??) was using their blinkers, when suddenly I hear the words “Sucks pretending to be human, doesn’t it?”

So now apparently I am no longer human, nor do I think that I ever was one, and not only that, I have a voice in my head that isn’t human either.


So, as many know my brother came home the other night. I am so happy to see him back and well. He is truly becoming a hero.

I would like to make a reference to those heroes who lost their lives a couple days back. They were participating in a Veteran’s Day float and they drove over train tracks, and the warning signs weren’t working. The train crashed into these men and women who have fought for us, and they didn’t deserve this fate. As of 9:30 Thursday night, there four have died and many more have become hospitalized.

Darker-Than-Tan Farm Animals

Does anyone realize how frequently Shakespeare uses the phrase “How now?” Well, he uses the phrase quite a bit and I can’t help but finish the phrase with the two words “brown cow.” It’s quite annoying in all reality, I’ll be working very hard to understand and enjoy the Shakespearian writing style, but then suddenly the two words “How now” blaze from the page, and in my head I hear a voice reply “brown cow,” I giggle, lose all ability to concentrate, while losing my place in the script, and thusforth beccome extremely sidetracked.

Bugs and Murder

Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had, what I believe to be, very strange ideas.  You guys will have to tell me if any of you have thought the same as me.

So, I just went on killing spree…. and though this sounds very… Scandalous, it is not as extreme as one should automatically assume. There I was, weapon in hand and swinging with great verve and vitality at those that thought to spite me. But after my spree, which was great fun, I started thinking. What if these things that I was gleefully murdering had a family, and not a happy, Thanksgiving-dinner-eating family, but a mob-like family. What if the families of those that I killed not only knew who I was, but they knew where I slept and where I ate and where I partied (I’m just kidding,,, I’m too lame to party. I’d be the one who’d come to the party with an Ouija board and a party hat, and who would end up getting everyone possessed) and they decided to get me back for leaving them friendless/fatherless/brotherless/etc-less. So one night I’d be asleep and I’d never wake up. They would sneak through my window and smother me with a pillow or strangle me with my own hair, but one way or another I would eventually die.

So, if I don’t come to school tomorrow, you all know why.

The fly-mob got me.

Hello World!!

I decided that I would make my second official blog post with the utterly catchy title of the auto-blog sent to us bloggers as we begin our blogging days, although this blog will have nothing, NOTHING!!!, to do with saying hello to the world.
I wish to talk of hermits. Yes, hermits.

The very idea of a hermit-like lifestyle is an exceedingly appealing one to me. I can very easily see  myself living with very little human connections. Maybe I should become friends with the wildlife and reconnect with all of the handy skills that I’ve learned from my many years in girly-scouts. Yes, I can most definitely see myself living the life of a hermit.
I wonder what else that I can write of hermits or living the hermit-life.
I should write a song.

Thinking About Thinking

Has anyone truly thought about thinking? I have attempted to many a time but have instead become overwhelmed by thoughts that, in all truthfulness, have no relation to thinking about thinking, other than the fact that they are thoughts in and of themselves. The brain is an amazing organ, for without one not only would one be unable to think about thinking, but there would not be a thought to think about in the first place. Without a brain,a person would become unable to do much of anything, if anything at all. Has anyone truly thought of why the brain can decide anything at all? Is it something to do with neurons firing away in the caverns of or skull, as many believe? Or is it something more basic, more primal, than that? No one shall ever truly know why things happen the way they do, for there is always the possibility of a gray area.